niedziela, 5 lutego 2012

”Olsztyn z pudełka”

Blog poświęcony jest realizacji projektu pt.
”Olsztyn z pudełka” finansowanego przez fundusz europejski "Młodzież w działaniu".
Tematem naszego projektu jest fotografia z wykorzystaniem kamery otworkowej.
Uczestnikami projektu jesteśmy my, uczniowie Państwowego Liceum Plastycznego im. E. Mendelsohna w Olsztynie, nasi rówieśnicy, mniejszość romska i społeczność lokalna miasta Olsztyn.

Naszym celem jest poszerzenie wiedzy w zakresie fotografii. Rozwinięcie zainteresowań. Integracja społeczeństwa lokalnego poprzez sztukę oraz zachęcenie do twórczego spędzania czasu.

Description: Projects subject: Olsztyn from the box. Olsztyn without the lens taken with a pinhole camera.
Projets participants are students of art school, gypsy minority and local community. The aim of the project is to broaden the
knowledge of photography, develop interests of children, teenagers and adults and integrate local community by art. The project
encourages them to spend their free time in an active and craetive way. The schedule includesa lecture on pinhole photography
and photograpgic materials.and workshops for students of art school in Olsztyn. The workshops are to result in making mobile obscura cameras and building a pinhole camera of the size of a room where everybody can enter and see how the image is
created. During the next meetings
they are to take pictures using different photograpgic materials. a group responsible for drawing conclusions and some
volunteers are oblidged to organize photography classes in pinhole technique for Gypsy and kindergarden children. At the
end of the project the exhibition of pictures taken during the workshops and a show on pinhole technique are to be arranged.
The final effects are: the exhibition mentioned above, the growth of photography consciousness among the participants, the
development of their interests and local community integration.